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Ulnar Arter Anevrizmasi : Bir Olgu Nedeniyle

Excision and basilic vein interposition in ulnar artery aneurysm : a case report

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Ulnar artery aneurysm may develop due to traumatic, atherosclerotic and infectious reasons. Among extremity artery aneurysms, ulnar artery aneurysm is rare. Because of its rarity, we presented a patient with ulnar artery aneurysm treated with excision and basilic vein interposition. Excision of ulnar artery aneurysm and interposition of basilic vein only between brachial and radial arteries may establish the perfusion of the hand. [Journal of Turgut Özal Medical Center 1996;3(2):118-120]
Abstract (Original Language): 
Ulnar arter anevrizmast travmatik, aterosklerotik ve enfeksiyöz nedenlerle geliþebilir. Ekstremite arterlerinin anevrizmalart arasýnda ulnar artere ait anevrizma nadirdir. Anevrizmektomi ve brakioradial bazilik ven interpozisyonu ile tedavi edilen bir olgu sunulmuþtur. Brakial arter bifürkasyon bölgesindeki ulnar arter anevrizmastnda anevrizmantn eksizyonu ve sadece radial artere yaptlan bazilik ven uygulamasý ile el perfüzyonu saðlanabilir. [Turgut Özal Týp Merkezi Dergisi 1996;3(2):118-120]



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