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Açık Kalp Ameliyatı Sonrası Hemoliz

Hemolysis after open heart surgery

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Postoperative intravascular hemolysis occurred in one patient was alleviated by pentoxifylline. The patient underwent partial atrioventricular septal defect repair and had hemolysis caused by teflon felt. The patient was treated with oral pentoxifylline, and the degree of hemolysis decreased. Although the exact mechanism of the pentoxifylline effect on mechanical intravascular hemolysis is unclear, pentoxifylline reduces blood viscosity by acting directly on red blood cells and results in more malleable erythrocytes. [Journal of Turgut Özal Medical Center 1997;4(1):26-28]
Abstract (Original Language): 
Postoperatif bir vakada oluşan intravasküler hemoliz pentoksifilin ile azaltıldı. Hastada parsiyel atrioventriküler septal defekt tamiri yapıldı ve teflon felt hemolize sebep oldu. Hastaya oral pentoksifilin verildiğinde hemolizin miktarı azaldı. Mekanik intravasküler hemolizde pentoksifilinin etki mekanizması kesin olmamakla birlikte, kırmızı kan hücrelerine direkt etki ile kan viskozitesini azaltır ve daha esnek eritrositlere sebep olur. [Turgut Özal Tıp Merkezi Dergisi 1997;4(l):26-28]



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