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The influence of gender on the entrepreneurial intentions of journalism students

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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to understand the gender differences in the formation of entrepreneurial intentions among future communications professionals. Building on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), it analyzes the relationships between the variables of personal attitude towards entrepreneurship (AE), perceived behavioral control (PBC) and the influence of the social environment of entrepreneurs on their entrepreneurial intention (EI). Design/methodology: This empirical research is based on a non-random convenience sample consisting of 234 students enrolled in the final courses of the journalism degree program. The models have been tested according to the PLS (Partial Least Square) method. Findings: The results indicate the existence of explanatory models of different entrepreneurial intentions for men and women. In this regard, the significant relationship between social norms and social assessment in the entrepreneurial intention of women is important. Research limitations/implications: This study analyzes communications students, and although the theory of planned behavior is quite strong, the results cannot be generalized to sector professionals.Practical implications: Research like this helps identify the background on which to act and to be developed in the training programs of future communicators. From the point of view of research, this study reveals the usefulness of TBP. Social implications: Improved employability of professionals in the communications sector, with attention to the differences between men and women when considering entrepreneurship as a career option. Originality/value: This is the first study of its kind conducted in the context of communications and with university students, specifically, those pursuing a degree in communications, who are faced with an economic crisis and a changing environment, in which entrepreneurship is critical to their professional development.

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