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Impact of Value Structure on Brand Engagement Depending on Degree of Self-Esteem of Adolescents

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This research demonstrates the relationship between the brand engagement, depending on the structure of values and level of self-esteem in adolescents. The research methods was used: Rosenberg´s Self-esteem Scale (Rosenberg, 1965), Portrait Values Questionnaire (Schwartz, 1992, 1994, 1999), Brand engagement (Sprott, Czellar, Spangenberg, 2009). The final outcomes showed differences, as well as a certain correlation between the values, which are attributed to adolescents, and engagement attributed to brand. Cultural values are identified as influential factors for the brand engagement perception of the importance of adolescents depending on their level of self-esteem. Research shows the importance of recognition of the values for understanding and foresight of relations between values and attitudes towards brands, which reflect both their behavior and their social experience. The result provides recommendations for marketing communication to easier identification of compatible and antagonistic values, which adolescents associate with a brand.



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