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Communication Practices and Quality Service Delivery Tradition: Uganda’s Local Government Perspective

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This study examined the relationship between communication practices (formal and informal) and quality service delivery in Uganda’s local Governments. The study findings are derived from a sample of 212 Local Governments in Uganda. Service delivery recipients - Heads of department and sectors comprised the unit of inquiry whose responses were aggregated to Local Government level, which formed the unit of analysis. Questionnaires were used to collect data from the respondents. Data analysis involved running correlations and regressing communication practices (formal and informal) on quality service delivery. The findings revealed that both formal and informal communication practices positively and significantly predicted quality service delivery in Uganda’s Local Governments. The major study implication is that Local Government authorities need to focus and reform communication practices for delivery of quality services to the people. The study was however, limited by the fact that it relied only on cross-sectional research design and only utilised a single methodological approach. The study offers empirical evidence on the sparsely investigated public sector. The evidence indicates the immense role of both formal and informal communication practices on quality service delivery in the Uganda’s Local Governments.



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