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Vitamin is an education support service which is compatible with the MNE’s curricula, is accessible through the internet, and was developed for teachers and students. Vitamin’s purpose is described as helping students better understand lessons and realizing full learning. Vitamin provides students and teachers with e-education solutions blended with state of the art visual content and interaction and offering a personalized learning process. The present study aims to determine students’ perceptions toward Vitamin’s effectiveness and usefulness. It is a descriptive study designed on the basis of the survey model. The study group consists of 688 students studying in the 4 th -8 th grades in Husnu M. Ozyegin Primary School in the central province of Kirsehir. The data were collected using the Scale on Students’ Perceptions toward Vitamin (α=0.956) developed by the researchers. The collected data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, arithmetic means, standard deviation, Anova and LSD statistics. The results obtained through the analyses could be summarized as follows: Most of the students find Vitamin useful. Besides their positive views about Vitamin, the students also think that Vitamin may have adverse effects for them. A great majority of the students do not use Vitamin. The more frequent the students use Vitamin, the more positive their attitudes toward Vitamin. Furthermore, the levels of positive perceptions among the students who never use Vitamin are lower than those of others. The students’ positive views about Vitamin decrease with increasing grade level, while their negative views increase.



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