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This study aims to examine student teachers’ self-efficacy for implementing the constructivist approach in terms of gender, department and grade variables. To achieve this purpose, the study was conducted using 160 student teachers studying in the third and fourth grades in the Departments of Classroom Teacher Education and Science Teacher Education in Celal Bayar University. As a result of assessing the data obtained from the implementations, a significant relationship between the levels of self-efficacy of female and male student teachers regarding lesson planning was found to be in favor of the female student teachers. In the examinations performed considering the department variable, it was observed that the scores of classroom student teachers are much higher than those of science student teachers for the aspects of self-efficacy belief for the assessment-evaluation process and for developing a learning environment. Additionally, as a result of the assessment made considering the grade variable, no significant relationship was found between the selfefficacy beliefs of student teachers studying at third and fourth grades based on subscales and total scores.



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