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Abstract (2. Language): 
Solubility is the phenomenon of dissolution of solid in liquid phase to give a homogenous system. There are many techniques which are used to enhance the aqueous solubility. The ability to increase aqueous solubility can thus be a valuable aid to increasing efficiency and/or reducing side effects for certain drugs. This is true for parenterally, topically and orally administered solutions. Hence various techniques are used for the improvement of the solubility of poorly water-soluble drugs include Hydrotrophy, Use of Salt Form, Use of precipitation inhibitors, Alteration of pH of the drug microenvironment, Solvent Deposition, Precipit ation pH adjustment , Nanonisation, Co-Solvency, Micellar Solubilisation, Super Critical Fluid Techniques , Solid Dispersion, Complexation , Micro Emulsion, Solid Solution ,Eutectic Mixture, Selective Adsorption on Insoluble Carriers, Evaporative precipitation into aqueous solution, Use of surfactants, Use of amorphs,anhydrates,solvates and metastable polymorphs, micronization. Some Example Of Drug Which Solubility Improve by The Use Method Which Are Describe Above. This review article is describing the techniques of solubilizaton for the improvement of effective absorption and bioavailability.



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