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Abstract (2. Language): 
The employment of active learning in classroom management, which centers individual and values the self-creation in educational process, and the effect of this method on students have been analysed in this study. As the method of the study, action research procedure of qualitative research method is employed. The acquired-data of the study have been analysed by SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) for Windows 17.0 programme. The descriptive norms ( numbers, percentages) are used during the process of data evaluation. In the comparison of quantitative data, in order to identify the differences between two groups t-test was used and for more than two groups one way anova test was used to compare parameters between groups. The findings out of the study are interpreted in %95 confidence interval and %5 level of significance. It has been ascertained that the students expressed a positive opinion about the necessity of active learning method in the classroom management. Moreover, it is also cleared up that active learning makes a major contribution in academic success.



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