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Effect of Intercropping Roselle with Maize on the Disease Initiation and Development of Roselle (Hibiscus Sabdariffa L.) Leaf Disease Caused by Coniella Musaiensis Var. Hibisci in Makurdi, Central Nigeria

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Abstract (2. Language): 
A field experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of spatial arrangement on incidence of roselle leaf spot disease caused by Coniella musaiensis var hibisci in a roselle/maize intercrop. Two accesions of roselle (green accession (Acc1) and red accession (Acc3)) and three spatial arrangements or patterns (Sole roselle, single of 1:1 roselle/ maize & double of 2:2 Roselle/maize were investigated. The result showed that intercropping in the entire patterns used could not reduce disease severity in the two accessions investigated though high yield was recorded in the single pattern in both the green and red accessions tested.



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