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Repair and Strengthening with CFRP on Concrete Slab Structure of Structural Crack due to Shortage Reinforcement Footstool

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Abstract (2. Language): 
This research is a case study on building suffered structural damage floor plate, due to improper installation of reinforcement in the concrete floor plate pedestal, above the bearer beam. Because of extensive reinforcement installed As smaller then As result of the design, causing cracks in the structure of the joint between the slab with beams bearer. For that need improvement and strengthening of the structure, in order to be able to function again as its original design. In order to generate the improvement and strengthening appropriate, then the repair and strengthening is done must go through three stages, namely a very important stage of the investigation, the stages of evaluation and implementation phases. Materials used for repair and strengthening are the material Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer plate (CFRP plate), which serves as a substitute for the reinforcement shortage that has been installed. Furthermore, an investigation of structural damage, including cracked behavior of concrete slab on a pedestal beams, severity of the damage and the main factor causing the damage. The next stage: the first capacity analyzes, which is necessary nominal tensile strength of the existing concrete slab based workload plan, which both perform a capacity analysis of structures based on the vast floor plate reinforcement installed, then calculates the difference between nominal powerful need with strong nominal installed. The third is to analyze the needs improvement and strengthening based on the nominal value of the difference powerful need with strong nominal installed, followed by the implementation of the improvement and strengthening. Results of repair and retrofitting is, using 2 CFRP plate 1,2X50X1200 mm on each pedestal plate above the beam bearer, able to increase capacity until reaching 133.06% of the load serviceability.



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