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The research aims to investigate the factors affecting brand loyalty in football industry. In order to achieve this aim, the loyalty of the supporters of Beşiktaş, Fenerbahçe, Galatasaray, and Trabzonspor called as “The Big Four” since they have the highest brand value in Turkish Super League were investigated. By using quota sampling method, 662 students of the faculty of economics and administrative sciences of Bulent Ecevit University in 2013-2014 spring period were reached and questionaire technique was applied to the sample. The students who were supporters of another football clubs except from The Big Four, and who were non supporters were eliminated and 557 students were found to be the supporters of The Big Four. In the research, the variables were tested via Multiple Linear Regression Analysis. As a result of the research, benefits variable from brand associations and identification variable were found to be the most effective variables on psychological commitment towards the football clubs. The other result indicated that psychological commitment variable and benefits variable from brand associations were found to be the most effective variables on behavioral loyalty towards the football clubs.

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