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Abstract (2. Language): 
ABSTRACT Objective: Work Related Musculo-Skeletal Disorders (WRMSDs) are a common health problem and one of the major causes of disability. Exposure to risk factors of musculoskeletal disorders and the change in exposure can be measured by observational assessment techniques. One of the techniques is QEC (Quick Exposure Check), which was developed by Li and Buckle in 1998. This study was designed for translation of Quick Exposure Check in Turkish and investigation of its’ reliability among cleaners. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted among 20 cleaners who were randomly chosen from 200 subjects working at Istanbul University, Istanbul Medical Faculty Hospital. Test-retest reliability of QEC was investigated by intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and Bland Altman method. Results: The reliability coefficients of QEC items were found between 0.589 and 1. Among those QEC items, wrist hand position, back position, using vehicle, work period, were found as the statistically most reliable items between measurements. Conclusion: The items’ reliability of QEC was generally fair to good. For this reason, we suggest that, QEC would be helpful for the evaluation of WRMSD risk assessment to those who work in the field of work health and safety in the industry of Turkey.
Abstract (Original Language): 
ÖZET Amaç: ‹fl ile ilgili aktiviteler sonucunda geliflen ifle ba¤l› kas iskelet hastal›klar› (MK‹H) endüstrileflmifl ülkelerde yayg›n bir sa¤l›k sorunudur ve sakatl›¤›n önde gelen nedenlerindendir. MK‹H için risk faktörlerine maruziyet ve maruziyette de¤iflim gözlemsel de¤erlendirme teknikleri ile ölçülebilir. Li ve Buckle taraf›ndan 1998’de gelifltirilen QEC-HMD (Quick Exposure Check- H›zl› Maruziyet De¤erlendirme) bu yöntemlerden birisidir. Çal›flman›n amac›, temizlik ifllerinde çal›flanlarda QEC ölçe¤inin Türkçe çevirisinin güvenilirli¤ini araflt›rmakt›r. Gereç ve yöntemler: Çal›flma ‹stanbul Üniversitesi, ‹stanbul T›p Fakültesi Hastanesinde, temizlik ifllerinde çal›flan 200 kifli aras›ndan randomizasyon ile seçilen 20 kiflinin de¤erlendirmesi ile yap›ld›. Test yeniden test güvenilirli¤inde s›n›f içi korelasyon katsay›s› (SKK) ve Bland Altman metodu kullan›ld›. Bulgular: QEC’nin madde ve tüm ölçek korelasyon katsay›lar› 0.589 ile 1 aras›nda bulundu. QEC maddeleri aras›nda el bile¤i pozisyonu, bel pozisyonu, tafl›t kullan›m›, ifl periodu istatistiksel olarak güvenirli¤i en yüksek olanlard›. Sonuç: QEC ölçe¤indeki maddelerin güvenilirli¤i genellikle orta-iyi idi. Bu sonuçlarla, QEC ölçe¤inin MK‹H risklerini de¤erlendirmede ifl sa¤l›¤› ve güvenli¤i konusunda çal›flanlara ve endüstriye yararl› olaca¤›n› düflünüyoruz.



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