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Abstract (2. Language): 
Objective: The most common types of congenital anterior chest wall deformities are pectus excavatum and pectus carinatum. In this paper, we tried to compare correction operations of pectus deformities by using retrosternal metal support and absorbable plaque for sternal fixation. Materials and Methods: Surgical correction was performed in 38 patients by applying classical Ravitch technique. Twenty nine of these patients had pectus excavatum and 9 of them had pectus carinatum deformity. All patients were male and the mean age was 23.3 (21-28). For sternal fixation, retrosternal metallic support was used in 26 patients and the resorbable copolymer plaque and polymer screw (The Lactosorb“ material) for 12 patients were used with Balkanl› technique. Results: There was no mortality and morbidity. Retrosternal bar was removed after 3-6 months. Patients were followed up for 24-37 months and no complication was observed except a minimal relapse. Conclusion: Both of the two techniques can be applied with confidence in the surgical correction of pectus deformities. Retrosternal bar usage is a cheaper technique, however needs closer follow-up for its published complications in the literature and requires sometimes a second operation. Absorbable plaque has the same efficacy. Although more reliable, it is more expensive when compared with the retrosternal bar usage.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Amaç: Do¤umsal anterior gö¤üs duvar› deformitelerinin en s›k görülenleri pektus ekskavatum ve pektus karinatumdur. Bu yaz›da pektus deformitelerini düzeltme operasyonlar›nda sternal tespit amac›yla sternum arkas›na metal destek uygulamas› ve emilebilir plak kullan›m›n›n karfl›laflt›r›lmas›n› yapmay› amaçlad›k. Gereç ve Yöntem: Otuz sekiz hastada cerrahi düzeltme klasik Rawitch tekni¤i kullan›larak yap›ld›. Bu hastalar›n 29’unda pektus ekskavatum ve 9’unda da pektus karinatum deformitesi mevcuttu. Sternum tespiti amac›yla 26 hastada sternum arkas›na metalik destek ve 12 hastada ise Balkanl› Tekni¤i kullan›larak emilebilen ko-polimer plak ve vida (LaktoSorb) kullan›ld›. Bulgular: Mortalite veya morbidite gözlenmedi. Sternum arkas›ndaki bar 3-6 ay sonra ç›kar›ld›. Hastalar 24-37 ay izlendi ve hafif dereceli bir nüks d›fl›nda hiçbir komplikasyon gözlenmedi. Sonuç: Pektus deformitelerinin cerrahi düzeltilmesinde her iki teknik de güvenli bir flekilde uygulanabilir. Sternum arkas›na bar konulmas› daha ucuz bir tekniktir, fakat literatürde belirtilen komplikasyonlar aç›s›ndan daha yak›n izlemi ve ikinci bir operasyonu gerektirir. Emilebilen plak ayn› etkiye sahiptir. Bunun yan›nda daha güvenli olmas›- na ra¤men sternum arkas›na bar uygulamas› ile k›yasland›¤›nda daha pahal› bir yöntemdir.



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