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Global Public Relations ami Public Sphere

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Being a consent management with respect to the expectations of the institutions that ii serves for, public relations forms the public sphere. In other words, public sphere creates consent with the curcilation of discourses forming daily relations and representing the given order us being natural find equitable. Public sphere includes the representation of multi-interest in disadvantageous position with the consent construction in social sense manage to find the representations of their interests, desires and problems with their identites and emotions in these discourses of public sphere. Today, the process of giving a public aspect to issues usually serves the interests of subjective policies. Thus, the aim of international public relations is to integrate the objectives, purposes and strategies of cultural public relations of multi-national companies with those of the countries they are functioning in. Hie method for sudi an objective is to co-operate with local public relations agencies. Wierefare, the aim of our study is to examine the commercial function of public relations with regard to the paradigm of social problems in the frame of global consumption ideology, considering the ways of connection of power relations, practitioners with the power relations in society as well as their approach to the creation of public opinion.



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