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Abstract (2. Language): 
Prof. Dr. Münir Dündar wa s born on 16th of September in 1931 and retired in 1998 due to age limit. After he had graduated from The Forestry Faculty of Istanbul University in 1960, he began to work at Bolu Regional Forest Directorate, and went to Germany with DAAD scholarship. After he had come back Turkey, he was charged in The Research Institute of Forestry in Ankara. He began to study as an assistant in The Soil Science and Ecology Department of Forestry Faculty of Istanbul University in 1974. He retired as a professor in 1998.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Prof. Dr. Münir Dündar 1931 yılında doğmuş ve 1998 yılında 67 yaş sınırından dolayı İstanbul Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Toprak İlmi ve Ekoloji Anabilim Dalı öğretim üyesi olarak emekli olmuştur. Kendisi 1960 yılında fakültemizden mezun olduktan sonra bir süre Orman Teşkilatı'nda görev almış, daha sonra Federal Almanya'da DAAD bursu ile çalışmış, Türkiye'ye dönüşünde Ankara'da Ormancılık Araştırma Enstitüsü'nde görevlendirilmiştir. Daha sonra (1974) İ. Ü. Orman Fakültesi Toprak İlmi ve Ekoloji Kürsüsü'ne asistan olarak gelmiş ve buradan da profesör olarak emekli olmuştur.



Prof. Dr. Münir Dündar was born on 16th of September in 1931 and retired in 1998 due to age limit. After he had graduated from The Forestry Faculty of Istanbul University in June I960, he began to work at Bolu Regional Forest Directorate. He went to Germany with DAAD scholarship in May 1963. He studied in The Faculty of Forestry in Göttingen University for (wo years. After he had come back to Turkey, he was charged in The Research Institute of Forestry in Ankara. He finished his ph. D. thesis on "Relationships Between Death of Some Crimean Pine and Scots Pine Cultures and Levels of Nutrient Concentrations in The Needles. In Ankara" on 20th of July in 1972. He began to study as an assistant in The Soil Science and Ecology Department of Forestry Faculty of Istanbul University in 1974. He became associate professor with his thesis on "Relationships Between Nutrient Concentrations of Needles of Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) Forests and Their Height Growth. He became professor in the university with his study on "Researches on The Amount of Leaf Shedding and Determining of Nitrogen Contribution to The Soil by This Way in Some Scots Pine Stands in Aladağ (Bolu)".
Prof. Dr. Münir Dündar owns 29 publications prepared during his duty period in The Research Institute of Forestry in Ankara and in The Soil Science and Ecology Department of Forestry Faculty of Istanbul University. 14 of those are joint articles. His publications are 3 books, 1 translated book, 12 research papers, 4 scientific papers, 6 translations, 2 literature works, and 1 oral presentation at an international scientific meeting.
Research subjects of Prof. Dr. Münir Dündar are concentrated on nutrients relations of forest trees. He got sick while he was preparing "Plant Nutrition" book. He retired on 16th of September in 1998 due to his age limit. We wish he would have a happy and healthy retirement life.

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