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Abstract (2. Language): 
This paper examines Dionysos the wine God, his presence in person in the form of a mask and puts forwards the close relaxion of dionysos and the Mask. Dionysos, allthough he is best known as the God of wine he is also a vegetation diety. He is also associated with tree, ivy and fruits. According to the mythos of his death and rebirth his divine essence carries a duality of life element and element of death. This duality reflects to the Dionysiac rituels through the mask which somehow replaces the god himself.The duality of Dionysiac spirit could be closely examined in the incarnate presence of which is remote, the shattering encounter with the irrevocable, the close confluence of life and death. The, dramatic worshipping performances gradualy turn to entertainments and the sucred mask left the stage to the favour of Greek theatre masks.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Taklit ve kisilik değistirme eğilimi, ilksel insanın avının kılığına girmesi ve avlanma öyküsünü anlatma çabalarıyla baslar. Maskenin ilk örneklerinin de bu çabayla birlikte ortaya çıktığı görülür. Đlkin çesitli kültlerde yapılan dinsel törenlerde rahip konumundaki kisi ya da kisilere kutsal bir kimlik kazandırma amacıyla yüzlerinin bitkisel boyalar, is gibi maddelerle boyanması, maskeyi önceleyen bir anlayısın göstergesidir.



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