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Çevre çalışmaları BİT yetkinlikleri Gelişimi Slovenya konu

Development of ICT competences in the environmental studies subject in Slovenia

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Digital literacy is one of eight key competences that were defined by the European Parliament and Council as those that member states should develop as a part of their strategies for lifelong learning (Official Journal of the European Union, 2006, p.11). It would contribute to a more successful life in a knowledge society. The purpose of this paper is to Npresent the results of empirical research on the use of ICT in the lessons of the environmental studies subject in the first triennium of primary schools in the Republic of Slovenia. Data were collected through a questionnaire and according to the protocol. We found that among all of the ICT tools, teachers mostly use the computer. The majority of the teachers use the computer once a week, most often in mathematics and environmental studies subject. In the observed lessons of the environmental studies subject, less than half of teachers use the computer in the lessons. This was followed by the use of computer and the LCD projector, and the interactive whiteboard. Among the obstacles that teachers indicate when they try to include ICT in the learning process are insufficient, out of date equipment, lack of time and lack of their own competence.



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