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Universities are regarded as the utmost institutions of all educational organizations and have an important position in social structure. The attitude of the academicians, who work in these institutions, towards academic career is important both for them and for their students’ development. So, in this study, it is aimed to determine the academicians’ attitude towards academic career, and investigate whether these attitudes vary by gender, doctorate attendance status, years of professional experience, and department variability. In this study, survey method was used and the sample consists of 60 academicians working in Rize and Trabzon. In this sense, data were collected by using “Academic Career Attitude Scale”, a five-point Likert scale of 33 items, validity and reliability study of which was made by Jacquot (2009) as part of his doctorate study. The data were analyzed with the help of SPSS 13.0. Cronbach alpha value was calculated as .87. In accordance with the data obtained, some significant differences were determined in terms of some variables, and suggestions for future studies to probe the reason of this were also included.



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