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It is known that laboratory applications are not carried out efficiently and adequately in our country although they are essential in science education. This study was carried out in order to get the views of pre-service science teachers on the lesson “Science Laboratory Applications I-II”, which is taught in Education Faculties, considering the necessity of laboratory applications in relevant lessons. The study was carried out by subjecting 234 pre-service science teachers studying in Primary Science Education Department in Ondokuz Mayıs University Education Faculty. Evaluation form consists of 23 items the reliability factor of which is 0.78 was applied to the students for their opinions about Science Laboratory Applications I-II courses,. The data were evaluated in percentages. Moreover, two open ended questions were added in the evaluation form: “Please write down what you have acquired through this lesson if you would like to add something extra,” and “ Please write down your expectations about the implementation of this lesson.” The answers of these questions were evaluated through description, content analysis and comment, and recurrent, meaningful expressions were picked. At the end of the study the majority of the pre-service teachers stated that they had had some troubles in the implementation of the lesson despite finding this lesson essential and useful. Some suggestions were put forward on the importance and implementation of the lesson in accordance with these collected data.



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