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The aim of the article is an analysis of communicative behavior changes in ICT for people over 55 years of age in terms of psychological and demographic segmentation. To fulfill the article’s objective, a secondary data analysis was performed on the professional literature and studies dealing with this issue. As the primary data source there are used the results of a survey that examined the impact of ICTs on the behavior of seniors in the Ústecký Region of the Czech Republic. The survey takes into account the age, gender and social status of seniors. Most seniors trust television, 54% of respondents use the computer, which is primarily used to store information. Almost a quarter of respondents use a smart phone; 43% of respondents do not use the internet, it being mostly people within the group older than 66 years of age. More than a third of internet users from 55 up to 65 years of age are registered on social networks. The conclusions indicate that increasing age in older people and their social status have an impact on their attitude to ICT.

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