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Abstract (2. Language): 
The aim of this study is to determine pre-service teachers’ sensibility towards environmental problems. The sample of the study consists of 235 pre-service teachers, 118 males and 117 females, enrolling to different departments of education faculty at Amasya University. The data obtained from the study were analyzed by independent sapmles t-test and one-way analysis of variance. The results of the study revealed that there is no significant difference (t(232) = .758, p = .45) between female and male pre-service teachers’ with respect to their environmental sensibility levels. The results also showed that although pre-service teachers’ enrolling to different grade levels differ from each (F(3, 229) = 2.664, p = .04) other with respect to their environmental sensibility levels, there are not any significant differences (F(8, 226) = 1.44, p = .18) among pre-service teachers enrolling different departments.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu o.retmen adaylar.n.n cevre kar.. duyarl.l.klar.n. belirlemek amac.yla yap.lm..t.r. Cal..maya Amasya Universitesi E.itim Fakultesinin farkl. bolumlerinde o.renim goren 118fi erkek, 117fs. bayan olmak uzere toplam 235 o.retmen aday. kat.lm..t.r. Cal..madan elde edilen veriler, parametrik testlerden de.i.kenler icin t-testi ve tek yonlu varyans testi ile analiz edilmi.tir. Analizlerden elde edilen sonuclar bayan ve erkek o.renciler aras.nda cevre duyarl.l.klar. ac.s.ndan istatistiksel olarak anlaml. bir farkl.l.k olmad...n. (t(232) = .758, p = .45) gostermi.tir., cal..madan elde edilen sonuclar o.retmen adaylar. aras.nda s.n.f duzeylerine gore anlaml. farkl.l.klar oldu.unu gosterirken (F(3, 229) = 2.664, p = .04, k.smi ƒÅ2 = .03) farkl. bolumlere gore istatistiksel olarak anlaml. farkl.l.klar olmad...n. (F(8, 226) = 1.44, p = .18) ortaya koymu.tur



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