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Abstract (2. Language): 
The locus of litis study was based on issues drawn from three important sources. The first was the inspiring words of Dr. Misir .1. Mardanov, Azerbaijan Minister of fducation. In a meeting with the Minister and members of his staff, he used an example to describe the paradigm shift in education that, with the support of Mr. Ilavdar Abycv. President of the Republic, he has promoted for Azerbaijan in many documents and pronouncements. His example was concerned with methods of leaching foreign languages in A/cri schools, usually accomplished with a grammar-translation approach, lie cited their lack of success with this methodology, indicating his interest in the more successful active learning strategies used in Turkish schools. This can be viewed as a microcosm ofthc larger issue of moving away from the direct instruction model of the old Soviet system toward a new paradigm of active and interactive learning with a focus on thinking and understanding, instead of passive listening and recitation. Reflecting the thoughts and words of the Minister of fducation. Dr. Isa Mammadov. Rcctoi ofthc Baku Inservice fducation Institute, recommends questioning as the most important instructional activity, to challenge students to think for the best educational results, lie Mtggestcd that teachers should present problems in which the answer raises another problem. Of course, a change of this magnitude makes inservice education of teachers already in the field a kev .requisite for successful reform. Other important themes emerging from the Ministry of fducation arc providing a framework for the emergence of educational reform in Azerbaijan. These include a new view of children as human beings in development, not vessels to be filled with knowledge; a trend tow aril democratization: a growing interest in collegial relationships among educators, rather than hierarchical relationships ofthc past era; and a new view of the student as an equal partner in education. The second important source was the Terms of Reference: Azerbaijan Education Sector Work, provided by the World Bank in its efforts to participate in educational reform in Azerbaijan. It states, "The (Education Sector Reform) Program has identified curriculum reform and teacher training as two key areas that need critical support for the success of the overall education reform. Improving teacher performance is a key element in this program. Teacher training is critical to (a) a successful implementation of new curricula which largely depends on how well teachers are prepared to implement the new curricula, and (b) to expose teachers to alternative teaching and learning approaches, especially those focusing on student-centered and active learning approaches, which will be promoted by the new curricula." The third important source was the US Department of State, which funded the study. As expressed by Dr. Craig Dicker, Public Affairs Officer at the US Embassy in Baku, the study should explore the nature of inservice education for primary and secondary teachers, differences between the current model and that of Soviet era, and the nature of teacher expectations for inservice education following proposed educational reform efforts.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu tədqiqat iĢi bizim üç osas monbodoıı oldə etdiyimiz problemlo-rin öyronilmosino yönəlmiĢdi. Birincisi, Azarbaycan Rcspublikasi Tohsil naziri dr. Misir Mordanovun hoyəcanla söylodiyi sözlor. Bizim üçün ikinci osas monbə müraciət etdiyimiz xarici toĢkilatların roylori idi. Üçüncü osas monbo bu tədqiqatı maliyyələĢdirən ABġ Dövlot De-partamenti idi. Tədqiqatda üç osas məqsod qarĢıya qoyulmuĢdu. Birincisi Azorbaycanda ibtidai vo orta məktob müollimlorinin tokmilləĢdirilməsinin xüsusiyyotini müoyyon etmok, bu iĢin lıüquqi əsaslarının necə hoyata keçirildiyini, müollimlori tokmilloĢdirmoyo özlərinin münasiboti, görülən iĢitı keyflyyət və komiyyoti, təqdim olunan təhsil islahatlarında bu sahədo aparılan doyiĢikliklori do ohato edirdi. Ġkincisi Azorbaycan məktoblərində todrisin toĢkili tocrübosini, mctodologiya və strategiyalarmı müəyyənləĢdirmok idi. Ücüncü osas moqsod Azorbaycanda horn müəllimləri toknıilloĢ-dirmo , horn do dorslorin toĢkili tocrübosino tosir edon amdlori miioy-yon etmok idi. Todqiqatda fakdann toplanmasında iiç monboyo istinad edilmiĢdi. Birincisi dövlot vo qeyri-dövlot noĢrlorindən, müxtolif toĢkilatların vo todqiqatçıların hesabatlanndan vo rosmi sonodlordən oldo olıınan taktlardır. Bu sonodlordon ingilis dilindo olmayanlar torcümoçilor va-silosilo öyronilnıiĢdir. Uyğun vo lazımi hissolor tohlil olunmaq üçün ingilis dilino torcümo olunmuĢ vo onlara müoyyon istinadlar verilmiĢ-dir. Todqiqat zamanı iki torcümoçi ilo iĢləmok lazım golnıiĢdir. Bu todqiqat isi 1 - XI sinif müollimlərinin tokınilləĢdirilınosini öy-ronmoklo kifayətlonir. Müollim hazırlığı problemi bu todqiqatın obye-kti olmamıĢdı. Tohsil islahatına dair ayrılmıĢ kredit haqqında Dünya Bankmın Layihoni Boyənmo (Report No 18991-Az) sonodino göro (1999) Azorbaycana "KcçmiĢ Sovet Ġttifaqından inkiĢaf etıniĢ tohsil miras qalmısdı vo təhsiJin bütün statistik göstoricilorino göro Azorbaycan in-kiĢal' etmiĢ ölkolor arasında orta yerlordon birini, keemiĢ Sovet res-publikaları arasında iso qabaqcıl yerlordon birini tutur". ġübhosiz, Azorbaycanın tohsil problemlorindon ən böyüyu miiol-limlər uçün lazınıi sosial Ģoraitin olmamasıdır. Əksor müəllimlər ayda 50 ABġ dollarından az maaĢ alırlar, halbuki 4 nolbrlik bir ailonin ayhq yaĢayıĢı üçün on azı 170 dollar təlob olunur. Azorbaycan Tohsil məcəlləsinə göro, hor beĢ ildon bir I-Xl Ģinif ıniioflimlori (56 saat ıoknıı7/osc/ıVmo kursundu olmalıdır. Kurslıırı Bakıdan kənarda Azorbaycan müəllimləri TokmilloĢdirmo Ġnstitutu toskil edir. Azorbaycanda müollimlorin tokmilloĢdirilnıosi iĢi ilə iki toĢkilat moĢğul olur. Bıınlar Azorbaycan Müollindori TokmilloĢdirnıo institutu vo Bakı Müollimlori TokmilloĢdirmo Ġnstitutudur. Müollim kadrları hazniayan bir neço ali tohsil müossisolori fəaliy-yəl göstorir. Bunlara Azorbaycan Dövlot Pedaqoji Universiteti vo Azorbaycan Dövlət Xarici Dillor Ġnstitutu vo digor pedaqoji institutlar aiddir. Onların müollimlərin tokmilloĢdirilmosindo rolu çox məhdud-dıır. Eyni zaınanda onlardan boziləri magistr, doktor vo buria uyğun dorocolor almaq öçun proqramlar toklil'edirlor. Bu toklif olunan proq-ramlar müəllimləri tokmilloĢdirmo tohsili tələblərinə uyğun golmir.



1. Akhundov, A, (n.d.) Azerbaijan Republic: Education in the Transition Period. Baku. Azerbaijan: Ministry of Education.
2. Azerbaijan Republic (1998). Law on Education, Chapters 1-7 (draft, December 1998). Baku, Azerbaijan: Ministry of Education.
3. The Concept of Education (draft, October 19. 1998). Baku, Azerbaijan: Ministry of Education.
4. The Development of Curriculum in the Republic of Azerbaijan (1999). Baku. Azerbaijan: Ministry of Education, March 1999.
5. Education Sector Reform Program (draft, July 29, 1998). Baku, Azerbaijan: Ministry of Education.
6. Masters, B., Kurbanov, K., Bagimade, M., and Medjidova, S. \ (1999). Teacher Education in the Republic of Azerbaijan: A Preliminary Study (draft, June 13, 1999). Baku, Azerbaijan: Ministry of Education.
7. Open Society Institute-Azerbaijan (1999). Education strategyfor 1999-2001. Baku, Azerbaijan: Open Society Institute.
8. The World Bank (1999). Project Appraisal Document on a Proposed Learning and Innovation Credit in an Amount of SDR 3,700,000 to the Azerbaijan Republic for an Education Reform Project, May 4, 1999, Report No.: 1899 1 -AZ. Europe and Central Asia Regional Office: Human Development Sector.

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