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Existence and uniqueness theorems for a class of equations of interaction type between a vibrating structure and a uid

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The problems of the interaction between a vibrating structure and a uid have been studied by many authors, see for example the inter- esting article [7] and their references. The principal objective of this work is to investigate the solvability of some problems of interaction between structure and uid by a mathematical method based upon the analytic semigroups and fractional powers of operators and which can be applied to wider range of physical situations. In this paper, we de- velop this method on a three-dimensional model of interaction between a vibrating structure and a light uid occupying a bounded domain in IR3. This model was introduced in J. Sound Vibration 177 (1994) [3] by Filippi-Lagarrigue-Mattei for an one-dimensional clamped thin plate, extended by an in nite perfectly rigid bae. Intissar and Jeribi have shown in J. Math. Anal. Appl. (2004) [4] the existence of a Riesz basis of generalized eigenvectors of this one-dimensional model.A two-dimensional model of the vibration and the acoustic radiation of a baed rectangular plate in contact with a dense uid was considered by Mattei in J. Sound Vibration (1996) [9].



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30 Marie-Therese Aimar and Abdelkader Intissar
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