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Fen-Teknoloji-Toplum-Çevre Kazanımlarının Fen ve Teknoloji Dersi Öğretim Programındaki (6-8. Sınıflar) Dağılımlarının İncelenmesi

Investigation of the Distribution of Science-Technology-Society-Environment Acquisitions in Science and Technology Curriculum (6-8th grade)

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The aims of this study are (i) to determine the distribution of the science-technology-society-environment (STSE) acquisitions according to grade and learning domains, (ii) to find out the number repetition of the acquisitions in elementary school science and technology curriculum (ESTC), (iii) to compare the ESTC 2005 draft and ESTC 2006 according to STSE acquisitions. The method used in the study is content survey, which is a kind of document survey. The distributions of STSE acquisitions, which are given in parentheses in unit acquisitions, were determined according to grade level and learning domains. The study revealed that the STSE acquisitions were repeated 74 times in 6th grade, 117 times in 7th grade, and 93 times in 8th grade ESTC. It is noteworthy that some of the STSE acquisitions are emphasized very often, but some of them are emphasized very little according to grade level and learning domains. In general, most of the acquisitions again relates to the science and nature of science. However, the small number of re-acquisitions is about "human, society and technology" issues. The 13th acquisition relating with the elements of scientific work is never emphasized in parentheses for all grades and all learning domains in ESTC. When we compare 2005 and 2006 edition versions of ESTC, it is seen that there are some differences between 6th grade.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu araştırmanın amaçları şunlardır: (i)İlköğretim Fen ve Teknoloji Dersi Öğretim Programında (6-8. sınıflar) (İFTDÖP) yer alan Fen-Teknoloji-Toplum-Çevre (FTTÇ) kazanımlarının sınıflara ve öğrenme alanlarına göre dağılımlarını incelemek, (ii) FTTÇ kazanımlarının İFTDÖP’deki tekrarlanma sayılarını belirlemek, (iii) İFTDÖP 2005 yılı taslak baskısı ile 2006 yılı baskısını FTTÇ kazanımları açısından karşılaştırmak. Bu araştırmada belgesel tarama türlerinden içerik çözümlemesi kullanılmıştır. Ünite kazanımları içerisinde ayraç içinde belirtilen FTTÇ kazanımlarının sınıflara ve öğrenme alanlarına göre dağılımları belirlenmiştir. İFTDÖP’de 38 tane FTTÇ kazanımı yer almaktadır. İFTDÖP’deki FTTÇ kazanımlarının tekrarlanma sayıları incelendiğinde, bu kazanımlara 6. sınıfta 74, 7. sınıfta 117 ve 8. sınıfta ise 93 defa işaret edildiği görülmektedir. Hem sınıf hem de öğrenme alanı düzeyinde bazı FTTÇ kazanımlarının oldukça az ya da bazı kazanımların çok sık vurgulandığı dikkat çekmektedir. Genel olarak en fazla tekrar edilen kazanımlar fen ve fenin doğası ile ilgilidir. En az tekrar edilen kazanımların ise çoğunlukla “insan, toplum ve teknoloji” konularında olduğu dikkat çekmiştir. Tüm sınıf ve öğrenme alanları açısından bakıldığında bilimsel iş görmenin unsurlarıyla ilgili 13. FTTÇ kazanımına ayraç içinde işaret edilmediği görülmüştür. İFTDÖP’nin 2005 ve 2006 yılı baskıları karşılaştırıldığında 7. ve 8. sınıf düzeyinde herhangi bir farklılık yokken, 6. sınıf düzeyinde bazı FTTÇ kazanımlarının yer alma durumlarında farklılıklar olduğu belirlenmiştir.



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Extended Abstract
Purpose: The vision of the Turkish elementary school science and technology curriculum (ESTC), which is revised in 2004, is to educate science and technology literacy individuals. An important aspect of science and technology literacy is science-technology-society-environment (STSE) relations. These relations are emphasized in ESTC by STSE
Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, Yıl 13, Sayı 25, Mart 2013, 225 - 240
acquisitions. The acquisitions take place in learning domains and units in parentheses and are distributed throughout the units. It is emphasized in the curriculum that even the STSE acquisitions do not exist in the units; they should be involved in the project studies and other activities during education. The aims of this study are (i) to determine the distribution of the STSE acquisitions according to grade and learning domains, (ii) to find out the number of repetition of the acquisitions in ESTC, (iii) to compare the ESTC 2005 draft and ESTC 2006 according to STSE acquisitions.
Method: The method used in the study is content survey, which is a kind of document survey. 2005 draft version and 2006 curriculum were investigated. The distributions of STSE acquisitions, which are given in parentheses in unit acquisitions, were determined according to grade level and learning domains.
Results: The study revealed that the STSE acquisitions were repeated 74 times in 6th grade, 117 times in 7th grade, and 93 times in 8th grade ESTC version 2006. Most occurrences for the STSE acquisitions were in 7th grade and least occurrences were in 6th grades. For example, acquisition 13 was never emphasized in parentheses for all grades. In general, most of the acquisitions again relates to the science and nature of science. However, the small number of re-acquisitions is about "human, society and technology" issues. Comparison of the distribution of STSE acquisitions according to grade levels in two versions of ESTC leads us to the following conclusions: (1) In the 6th grade level, while on 28 different acquisitions in 2005 edition, there are 29 different acquisitions in 2006 edition. In 2006 edition acquisition 38 took place and it did not exist in 2005. (2) The 7th grade level, there are 31 different STSE acquisitions in both editions. (3) The 8th grade level, there are 30 different STSE acquisitions in both editions.
Recommendations: ESTC, which was renewed in 2004, aims to educate science aware individuals. One of the prime dimensions that need to be cared is the STSE relations. In this context, the importance of the STSE acquisitions which exist in ESTC should not be ignored. An inspection of the ESTC 2006 edition reveals that most STSE acquisitions were emphasized in parentheses. In addition, some acquisitions were found to be very rare or never occurred. Researchers of this paper also think that, the teachers’ comments and evaluation of this fact should also be regarded as a field of study and should be studied.

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