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Self-Directed Learning in MOOCs: A Disconnect Between Theory and Practice

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Massive open online courses (MOOCs) have grown exponentially in recent years. Since research in MOOCs is still an emerging field, investigating the application of adult learning theory principles within the MOOC paradigm is very much needed. Participants in MOOCs have a considerable flexibility to organize their learning; however, as adult learners, these participants do not effectively engage in self-directed learning in MOOC settings. This article is directed toward a twofold aim: to review the theoretical foundation of self-directed learning, and to provide framework for future designs of MOOCs to ensure the application of adult learning theory principles-notably self-directed learning. Lastly, this article proposes focusing future research on an emergent type of MOOC- called mini-MOOC- which can potentially provide a more realistic platform for the application of adult learning theory principles.



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