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Culture not only has direct influence on social, economical and institution nal regulations of countries, but on the general accounting environment within those countries as well. However, most of the culture studies focus on understanding social differences yet influence of culture on accounting has not drawn too much attention. Of the important variables on the rela-3 tionship between culture and accounting, ethics and fraud in the absence g of ethical conduct require attention. Companies that conduct accounting fraud do become the reflection of their country and culture. In this framework, the purpose of this study is to analyze and discuss the relationship between accounting fraud and culture from the perspective of Hofstede's four culture dimensions. Secondary data is used. Data related to culture is obtained from Hofstede's country classification index and data related to accounting fraud is obtained from Institutional Fraud/Ethics Index, which is compiled by Kaufman and printed by World Bank.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Kultur olgusu, ulkelerin sosyal, ekonomik ve kurumsal diizenlemelerini et-kiledigi gibi bir alt kultur olan muhasebe uygulamalanni da etkilemektedir. Her ne kadar kultur cahsmalari daha cok toplumsal farklihklan anlamaya odaklansa da muhasebe iizerindeki etkileri diger alanlar kadar dikkat cek-memistir. Kultiir-muhasebe arasindaki iliskide sayilabilecek degiskenler arasinda etik ve de etigin olmadigi durumda dogacak olan hile ozellikle dikkat cekmektedir. §irketler, i?sel dinamiklerinin yarattigi muhasebe hi-leleriyle ait olduklan iilke ve kulturlerinin yansimasi haline gelmektedir, Bu dogrultuda, falismanin amaci, muhasebe hileleri ve kultur arasindaki iliskiyi, Hofstede'in (1980) dort kultur boyutunu temel alarak incelemek ve kultiir-muhasebe hileleri arasindaki iliskiyi degerlendirmektir. ^ahsmada ikincil verilerden yararlanilmistir. Kultur ile ilgili veriler Hofstede'in ulkeleri smiflandirdigi indeksten, muhasebe hilelerinin degerlendirildigi veriler ise Dunya Bankasi'nin yayimladigi ve Kaufman tarafindan derlenen Kurumsal Yolsuzluk/Etik indeksinden elde edilmistir.

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