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Abstract (2. Language): 
French is a language that is spoken as a first language in France and in the other regions such as Switzerland, Wallonia and Brussels in Belgium, Monaco, the province of Quebec and the Acadia region in Canada, the Acadiana region of the U.S. state of Louisiana. Besides, second-language speakers of French are distributed throughout many parts of the world, The largest numbers of whom reside in Francophone Africa. In Africa, French is most commonly spoken in Gabon, Mauritius, Algeria, Senegal and Côte d'Ivoire. French is estimated as having 110 million native speakers and 190 million second language speakers. French is the second-most studied foreign language in the world, after English. In Turkey, French is started to be actively learnt in Ottoman Empire times. Firstly, Franco-Turkish relations cover a long period from the 16th century to the present, starting with the alliance established between Francis I and Suleiman the Magnificent. When the Ottoman Empire began to lose wars during the 18th century, French experts made numerous efforts to recruit for modernization of the Ottoman Empire’s army. The French officers came and endeavoured to modernize the Ottoman army. French is the language associated with the Tanzimat period of reforms, especially in the military engineering schools. French language and culture gained popularity and prestige in 18th and 19th centuries. A number of schools were founded in Istanbul during the Ottoman rule in which the language of instruction was firstly French, German, or English. After World War II, French lost its popularity and English took its place. French and German started to be the alternative languages. Now, the majority of the students usually select English as a foreign language unlike French. Eventhough students have several hours of basic English or French instruction in a week throughout the nine years of primary and secondary education; at the end of this period the general level of proficiency is not very high. The main aim of this study is to exhibit the French language teaching in the primary schools as a first foreign language. Especially, the problems of using French course book (Bonjour Le Français 5) and its programme. In the Europe, new approaches on the language teaching began to be widely accepted after 1970s, particularly the method of the language teaching like Communicative Method. But, in Turkey, about the French language thatis not the same. French books had been taught by using outdated method like audio-visual methods. That continued until 2006. In this work, the problems of the French course books (being used) caused by the presentation of the methodical, educational and physical contents are evaluated to provide contribution to French instructions by interpreting new approaches. In the work, primary french course books (Bonjour Le Français 5) are reviewed according to basic law of Turkish National Education Policy numbered 1739 and regulations and policies related to course equipments. Subsequently, it is tried to find solutions for the methodical, physical and educational problems of the course books. Our targets was to state how widespread French is which is taught in the institutions of primary education in Turkey since the 1997. Firstly, we have searched the situations of french in the schools, we have examined 5th french learning program and course book, its method and technics, all the other materials, discussing the validity of the applied methods and the existence of this material. After have examined materials according to the Law (1739) and regulations, we reached some inconvenient results. For example, using the colors in the book are unsuccesful, paper quality is low, pictures aren’t adressing children. Then we have expressed these problems to assist to determine what can be applied in order to make French taught better and be permanent, and to discuss the current position that has been reached at teaching French as a first foreign language. This work will help us to understand the place where we have arrived from the years when French was started to get taught in Turkey as a foreign language until today. In this study, after explaining the methods and approaches used in French teaching as a foreign language in Turkey in the 5th class. The validity of these methods is provided by means of examining the course books, its effectiveness, and the problems. Finally, teaching French as a foreign language in Turkey has been in trouble since World War II to nowadays. The field of its usage has been limited day by day and it started to lose its importance. Therefore We this subject should be definitely considered. The education of foreign language is seen as a door opening towards the west and it is also an obligation for a society to be able to become contemporary. Our work is a first study on the french course books. We hope that this work can contribute to french learning and teaching.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Yabancı dil öğretimi, tüm dünyada olduğu gibi ülkemizde de eğitim-öğretimde en çok önem verilen alanlardan biri olmasına rağmen, öğretimde de en çok başarısız olduğumuz alanlardan biridir. Bu bağlamda, ülkemizin içinde bulunduğu durum, onca harcanan emek ve zaman kaybı düşünüldüğünde ne Fransızca ne de diğer dillerin öğretiminde yeteri kadar başarı gösterdiğimiz söylenemez. Günümüzde birinci yabancı dil olarak daha az tercih edilen Fransızca öğretimi ders kitapları uzun yıllar gözden geçirilmemiş tüm yanlışlıklarıyla öğrenciye sunulmuştur. Çalışmada ilköğretim birinci kademe, birinci yabancı dil (5. sınıflar) Fransızca ders kitabı, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığının 1739 sayılı Türk Milli Eğitim Temel Kanunu, yönetmelikleri ve yönergeleri çerçevesinde incelenmiştir.