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The Challenges Facing the Police Missions Established After Ethnic Conflict

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Abstract (2. Language): 
In this paper it is intended to examine the current state of Municipality or Local Adminstrations' officers, who are named as "zabıta" (security officers). Though they have historically had an active role in local adminstration, at present they are facing with a number of problems, namely; lack of motivation and knowledge, low level of working con-ditions, strategies and productivity; dissatisfaction, failing in team work activities and team spirit and so on. in this context, some solutions are offered in relation to problems, which have been presented above, from several sociological aspects.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Multilateral peace-keeping missions are pervasive in today's world, particularly in ex-Yugoslavian Republics. The goal of these missions is often to re-establish order, one way to accomplish this is to rebuild political institutions. Rehabilitating policing agencies within failed states is an essential component to establishing a peaceful and productive society. This paper discusses four issues that are important to policing after ethnic conflict. -Police culture, democratic participation, the political environment the police operate with-in, and the perceptions of the population about law enforcement. This paper also address-es the current perspectives on policing in stable states to some of the challenges facing cre-ating law enforcement structures in unstable and often ethnically divided states.



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