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A study was undertaken to study the awareness of adolescent teacher trainees of Awassa College of teacher education, South Ethiopia regarding reproductive health aspects through a questionnaire. The study adopted a survey method. A total of 200 teacher trainees were selected randomly from Awassa College of Teacher Education, South Ethiopia. The tool for assessment consisted of Awareness test on ARHA consisting of sixty five items on the aspects of physical changes occurring in male and female during adolescence period(17 items); Reproductive health issue (33items) and HIV/AIDS(15 items). Results showed that the Male teacher trainees have better awareness on ARH when compared to that of female trainees; Trainees from urban background have better awareness than that of rural background; As the educational level of parents increase the awareness level of trainees on Adolescent Reproductive Health (ARH) also increases.; and Trainees whose parents are professionals have better awareness on ARH than non professional parents. Informative and educable interventions would help in bringing out a positive effect on awareness levels which would eventually encourage expansion of knowledge and positive health habits.



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