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The effect of a training program on the development of the maximal strength for weightlifting beginner's performance

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Abstract (2. Language): 
This study aims to set a training program of maximal strength development and know the effect of training program on the achievement level of performance. The study has been applied to a sample conducted of (10) weightlifting beginners in Ismailia / Egypt. The range of age is from (13.20 ± 0.78 years), length is from (155.50 ± 10.38 cm), and the weight is (69.18±10.28 kg) for the weightlifting beginners. The researcher used the experimental approach to design one group; the experiment was applied to the suggested training program which consists of exercises similar to the motor performance of the Snatch, Clean & Jerk skills and the exercises for developing the maximal strength of muscles. Maximal strength training program was trained at every training session for three months (3 x per week) and the training session lasted 2 hours. The results revealed the effectiveness of the training program, increasing the maximal strength muscles as well as improving achievement level of performance for weightlifting beginners.



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