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Edward W. Said'e ve Oryantalizm'e Dair

On Edward Said and Orientalism

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Edward Said died on September 25th, 2003. Said was a literary critic, an educator, a pianist, music critic and a political activist. He gave epoch-making works in cultural studies and he endeavoured to be an opposing voice to social and political injustices in all the world. Said's Orientalism (1978), especially, become "a paradigm founder" work in last twenty-five years in cultural studies. In many different study fields like feminist theory, postcolonial studies and sub-altern studies his work's strong infiuences can easily be seen. In this. article, Orientalism and discussions about it are shortly evaluated. Also, a bibliography which aims to include all writings of his books, articles, reviews and interviews, is given in "Appendix".