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Use of Mobile Phones and the Social Lives of Urban Adolescents: A Review of Literature

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Purpose: The review investigates some aspects of the emerging literature on the culture of mobile phones in the emerging societies. Pertinent issues include the psychosocial aspects of communication technology; patterns of interaction with peers, parents and anonymous others; status hierarchy in terms of ownership and the various functions that mobile phone has in shaping the identity of adolescents. The study also highlights how school, home and public places (such as public transport) serve as settings for the mobile interactions. Methodology: The study uses the previous literature as a base to explore the use of mobile technology. Findings: The findings suggest that the urban adolescents use mobile phones for a wide range of activities in their social lives. Social contacts are replaced by virtual -world contacts because of mobile phone usage. Social Implications: The study is expected to generate valuable implications for parents, educators and developers of communication technologies. Every change in public policies and each new innovation in technology must take into account the impact it has on the social lives of adolescents. Originality/Value: The study intends to enlighten future research in mobile phone research and will definitely take in to account the adolescent lot while researching various facets of mobile technology.



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