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Design and Pedagogy Features in Online Courses: A survey

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Purpose: The study investigates the preferences of instructors and students for design and pedagogy features of online instruction at the post-graduate level. Design/Methodology/Approach: The study was carried out using questionnaire as a data gathering tool. Characteristics and features were identified through a comprehensive literature review combined with focus groups. Various design and pedagogy features were identified and the items were structured in a Likert Scale format. Respondents were asked to rate their preferences on a five-point scale, ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree, for each individual feature. Participants include 7 instructors and 50 students at Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU).An independent sample T-test was conducted to determine if there was a significant difference between the preferences of instructors and students on the rating of individual features. Scope: To better understand the design and pedagogy features of online instruction, India’s largest e-learning academic institution IGNOU was selected. Findings: Major findings include the high level of agreement on design and pedagogy features by instructors and students and the similarities in rank order by both students earning regular university credit and those pursuing professional development goals. When compared with the ranking of instructors and students, low preferences were being placed on social interactive features. Practical Implications: While there are many parallels between face-to-face teaching and online instruction, there are some differences also. Asynchronous online instruction must be designed in advance of being delivered.



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