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The purpose of this study is to investigate what influences employees‘ acceptance and resistance to a corporate e-learning initiative provided by one of the leading Banks in Greece. The results of the research provide insight into the barriers and enticers in relation to e-learning and identify areas for improvement, with a view to developing and implementing efficient corporate e-learning initiatives. A combination of quantitative and qualitative research was conducted in order to examine the factors affecting learner‘s interest in, and resistance to e-learning along four axes: a) technology, b) time c) interaction/support, d) reward/recognition. Distractions to study and continuous interruptions were identified as the most serious barrier faced by the trainees, as e-learning material is available only on the Bank‘s intra-net, ie only at the work place and during working hours. Linking the completion of an e-learning course to a particular job description or to an opportunity for employee promotion, as well as the integration of the e-learning courses into a comprehensive training system leading to a certified business title, were identified, among others, as particularly encouraging factors.



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