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E-Learning in Europe Survey

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Since the early nineties, in the wake of working from home, e-learning has been regularly represented as an emerging market. In the same way, the development of the multimedia industry within, in particular, the leisure sector and education has regularly provided technological innovation. The Noir sur Blanc agency has chosen to launch a far reaching survey by contacting thousands of institutions, based all over Europe, in order to attempt to build a step by step assessment of e-learning's presence in higher education institutions. The survey's results were compiled from a sample of 120 institutions.



[1] Throughout this document, the general word "student" will be used. The word
"student" will cover the public concerned by e-learning, from primary to higher
education, in universities or Grandes Ecoles, in initial or continuous training.
[2] European Credit Transfer System
[3] These figures correspond to the total of "yes" and "partially" answers to each question
[4] In its different components such as strategy, business creation, business simulation,
specialized management (catering, hotel management).
Editorial Note:
I need to give an editorial note for publishing this survey in TOJDE's this issue for the reason
that it has been published in etv-news which is addresseed elarning

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