Curriculum reform and the classroom norms
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- Uluslararası İnsan Bilimleri Dergisi
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Abstract (2. Language):
especially at primary level. The new curricula set forth certain basic skills that every
student at primary level needs to acquire; these skills are: critical and creative thinking,
communication, questioning, problem solving, use of information communication
technologies, initiation and use of Turkish language eloquently. However, research
(Bingolbali et al., 2008a ve 2008b; Ozmantar et al., 2008) shows that teachers working at this
level experience difficulties in teaching such skills to the students. Hence, the need to help
teachers for that matter is obvious. Having recognized this need, this study makes use of the
notion of social classroom norms proposed by Cobb and his colleagues (Yackel and Cobb,
1996; Cobb et al., 1997) and suggests that teaching students such skills requires the
establishment of certain classroom norms in line with the target skills. Classroom norms could
be considered as tacit rules shaped by the interactions and dialogues amongst the agents in the
classroom. The norms involve how students and teachers view themselves with regard to
teaching and learning activities and what kinds of roles are assigned to the members of the
classroom. Norms also reflect value judgements and determine what is important in a
classroom regarding teaching and learning.
The purpose of the study: This paper aims to demonstrate how the notion of social
classroom norms can be used to enable the teachers to get students equipped with the basic
skills (e.g. critical thinking and questioning skills) that the new curricula set forth.
Method: This is a qualitative study which involves document analysis. To determine
the kind of classroom norms, official documents concerning the new curricula are subjected to
the content analysis. Further to this, literature (Cobb et al., 1997; Tsai, 2004 & 2007) on
classroom norms is examined and the norms developed and used in classrooms by others are
evaluated along with the basic skills. The analyses are carried out independently by each of
the authors who determined such norms as they think are necessary for basic skills to develop.
The determined norms are later compared and contrasted along with the targeted skills by the
curricula. The norms are finalized through the agreement of all the authors and the relations
between the determined norms and every each of basic skills are detailed.
Results: The analyses of the official documents and details of the basic skills given in
those documents lead to the development of eight classroom norms which, we believe, need
to be existent in each and every classroom concerned with teaching the students these skills.
The determined norms are as follows:
1. Explanation of the ideas (i.e. solutions, arguments and explanations)
2. Justification of the arguments
3. Sharing the ideas without any fear
4. Making real effort to understand the others’ ideas
5. Stating agreement or disagreement with the ideas shared in the classrooms
6. Stating explicitly what is understood and what is not
7. Developing alternative solutions
8. Questioning the validity of the arguments
These norms are closely related to each other and every one of them needs to be
established in the classrooms in order to create an environment in which students find
opportunities to gain the basic skills that the new curricula aim. The use and importance of
these norms are exemplified through dialogues obtained from Cobb et al’s (1997) study. The
dialogues take place in a mathematics class where a teacher tries to establish similar norms as
proposed in this study. The dialogues are examined in terms of both the norms and the basic
skills in such a way to exemplify the relationships amongst them.
Discussion: The discussion addresses teachers with regard to creating particular
classroom cultures through the determined classroom norms and how these norms can be used
to help students to obtain the basic skills. It is argued that the new roles that the curricula
assign to the teacher and students during the teaching and learning activities require a
dramatic change in the classroom interactions and this in turn necessitates the establishment
of classroom norms accordingly. This is particularly important given the fact that norms
reflect what is valued during the learning and what is expected of students. The paper also
discusses the importance of creating awareness for teachers with regard to the importance of
classroom norms and suggests designing in-service teacher professional development
programs. However, it is pointed out that the duration of such programs and the methods
employed to enable teachers to appreciate the significance of these matters are issues of great
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Abstract (Original Language):
İlköğretim seviyesinde, 2005 yılında yenilenen öğretim programları, öğrencilerin bazı
beceriler (eleştirel düşünme ve araştırma-sorgulama becerileri gibi) kazanmasını
hedeflemiştir. Bu çalışmada, söz konusu becerilerin öğrencilere kazandırılmasına yönelik
olarak, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı tarafından hazırlanan öğretim programları incelenerek sınıf
içinde oluşturulması gereken bir takım normlar belirlenmiştir. Belirlenen “sınıf içi normlar”
ile programların hedeflediği her bir beceri arasındaki ilişki sınıf ortamında elde edilmiş veriler
üzerinden örneklendirilmiştir. Son olarak, sınıf içinde oluşturulması gereken normların,
öğrencilerin bahsedilen becerileri kazanabilmelerine nasıl katkıda bulunacağı tartışılmıştır.
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