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Investigation of college students’ intrinsic motivation in project based learning

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The purpose of this research is to examine the impact of project-based learning on the students' intrinsic motivation in a college level course. Research using qualitative and quantitative techniques together was conducted within a period of 14 weeks. As a means of data collection, Kempler (2006)'s adaptation of the Internal Motivation Measurement Survey was used for the quantitative research. Besides, a questionnaire consisting of open-ended questions related to intrinsic motivation components were conducted for the qualitative part. Research results revealed that there was a positive and significant relationship between components of the learning environment and interest. Also, a moderate and significant relationship was found between components of the learning environment and cognitive engagement. Findings indicated that there was no meaningful relationship between components of the learning environment and academic efficacy. The important results from the study showed that courses will be treated as project-based learning needs careful design and good way of planning. Prepared learning environment was seen as a social learning environment by the students. Academic pressure on students occurred very often and development of information exchange was observed more frequently



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