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Information needs of rural health professionals: A case study of the Tuberculosis and Leprosy Referral Centre (TB/L), Eku, Delta State

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Abstract (2. Language): 
In developing countries, many rural health professionals have little or no access to basic practical information. The "information poverty" of health professionals in rural area is exacerbating what is clearly a public health emergency on a massive scale. It is against this background that the researcher is investigating the information needs of rural health professionals in the tuberculosis and leprosy referral center (TB/L), Eku, Nigeria. The study employed the ex-post facto research method. The population of the study is 69. Percentages and frequency counts were used to analyze the data. The following are the findings derived from the study. The rural health professionals in the area need information on the diagnosis of ailment, availability of medical facilities, and research reports on causes and cures of ailments. Some of the sources of information to rural health professionals include department of health and human services, telephone contact with colleagues/agencies/local hospital libraries and rural health resources directory and research information. The major problems faced by them include lack of access to the Internet, inadequate interpretation skills and unreliable phone services. Recommendations were however made to ameliorate the situations



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