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Towards an intelligent environment for distance learning

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Mainstream distance learning nowadays is heavily influenced by traditional educational approaches that produces homogenised learning scenarios for all learners through learning management systems. Any differentiation between learners and personalisation of their learning scenarios is left to the teacher, who gets minimum support from the system in this respect. This way, the truly digital native, the computer, is left out of the move, unable to better support the teachinglearning processes because it is not provided with the means to transform into knowledge all the information that it stores and manages. I believe learning management systems should care for supporting adaptation and personalisation of both individual learning and the formation of communities of learning. Open learner modelling and intelligent collaborative learning environments are proposed as a means to care. The proposal is complemented with a general architecture for an intelligent environment for distance learning and an educational model based on the principles of self-management, creativity, significance and participation.



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