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Abstract (2. Language): 
Hayri Bayraktaroğlu, bor n in 1921, graduated Erzurum High School, Faculty of Forestry (1943), and Faculty of Law of Istanbul University respectively. Starting his academic career at the Faculty of Forestry of Istanbul University, he became an assistant in 1948, and Doctor Artium Forestium in 1953, assistant professor in 1960, and a professor in 1968. Contributed to the scientific researches in his field in France, United Kingdom and Switzerland in different periods of time.
Abstract (Original Language): 
1921 doğuml u olan Hayri Bayraktaroğlu, Erzurum Lisesi'ni bitirmiş, 1943 yılında Orman Eakültesi'nden, daha sonra da İstanbul Hukuk Fakültesi'nden mezun olmuştur. 1948 yılında Orman Fakültesi'ne asistan tayin edilmiş, 1953 yılında Dr., 1960 yılında Doçent ve 1968 yılında da Profesörlüğe yükseltilmiştir. Çeşitli zamanlarda Fransa, ingiltere ve İsviçre'de bilimsel incelemeler yapmıştır, t. Ü. Orman Fakültesi'nde Hukuk, Genel Ekonomi, Maliye ve İnkılâp Tarihi derslerini vermiş ve bu konularda kitap ve bilimsel makaleler yayınlamıştır. Ayrıca, İstanbul Üniversitesi Orman F'akültesi ve Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dekanlıklarında da bulunmuştur. 5 Mart 1988 tarihinde yaş haddi dolayısıyla emekliye ayrılan Profesör Bay-raktaroğlu halen sözleşmeli öğretim görevliliğini sürdürmektedir.



He went to London in 1965 and made studies in London Forestry Directorate and Forestry Research Stations for a year and increased his personal knowledge and experience.
Mr. Bayraktaroğlu was approved as a proffessor by the Senate of Istanbul University in April 1968, with his dissertatin "The Statutes related to Forestry in Turkish Constitution Systems and Conditions to Evaluate these Statutes".
He served as the Dean of Faculty of Forestry in Istanbul University between 1970-72, and as the Dean of Faculty of Forestry in Technical University of Karadeniz between 1974-77. He was a Senate member in Istanbul University during 1968-70 and 1981-85 periods.
He made researches in France on Forestry Law in 1973, attended to Austrian Excursion in 1984, and made scientific researches on behalf of FAO, in Morocco, Algeria and Tunis in 1984.
Mr. Bayraktaroğlu became the Head of the Forestry Law Department, established in 1977 in the Faculty of Forestry. He was also the Head of the Forestry Economics Main Branch of the Faculty's Forest, Engineering Department between 1983 and 1988.
Carrying out the lectures such as; General law. Commercial law. Forestry law. Forestry Protection law, General Economics, Principles of Atatürk and History of Revolution in the Faculty of Forestry of both Istanbul University and Technical University of Karadeniz, Prof. Bayraktaroğlu supported doctorate studies in these fields and has written scientific articles and books in the mentioned subjects.
Mr. Bayraktaroğlu, who has retired on March 5th 1988, still carries out his studies and lectures in the Faculty of Forestry as a contracted lecturer.
Mr. Bayraktaroğlu, the father of three graduates, is a true scientist and a lecturer. He puts great emphasis on the concept of law, and has made law-obedience the main principle of his life.

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