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Abstract (2. Language): 
In this paper, the affect of form and meaning focused translation instruction to language skills are investigated. The research took place in the academic year of 2009-2010. The study was an experimental study with an experimental and control group: 40 subjects in the experimental group and 35 subjects in the control group. After 10 weeks of treatment the results showed that the subjects in the experimental group which was treated with meaning focused translation instruction improved their language skills more than the subjects in the control group which was treated with form focused translation instruction.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu makalede, yapı ve anlam odaklı çeviri öğretiminin dil becerilerine etkisi incelenmiştir. Araştırma 2009-2010 akademik yılında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışma deney ve kontrol gruplu deneysel bir çalışmadır: denek grubunda 40 denek ve kontrol grubunda 35 denek mevuttur. 10 haftalık uygulama sonunda sonuçlar anlam odaklı çeviri öğretimi gören denek grubundaki deneklerin dil becerilerini yapı odaklı çeviri öğretimi gören kontrol grubundaki deneklerden daha fazla geliştirdiklerini ortaya koymuştur.



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