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Abstract (2. Language): 
Many studies on leadership have indicated that emphasizing the importance of national cultures is shaping and explaining leadership in different societies, and the distinctions between leadership traditions in Western and non-Western societies (Law, 2012). In this study, it is found that paternalistic leadership is a widespread leadership approach in Asian and Middle-Eastern (Pellegrini and Scandura, 2006). Paternalistic leadership has a positive effect on employees’ attitudes in collectivistic cultures (Gelfand et al., 2007) Because the care, support, and protection provided by paternalistic leaders may address employees’ need for frequent contact and close personal relationships (Pellegrini and Scandura, 2006). In this sense, there is a possible relationship between paternalistic leadeship and job satisfaction which is an individual attitude towards the job and job conditions. The studies carried out on this issue indicated that there is a relationship between paternalistic leadeship and job satisfaction (Pellegrini et al., 2010; Yardımcı, 2010). The leader’s attitudes toward employees may affect employees’ attitudes toward their leader and their work (Mordanow, Heischmidt & Henson, 2008). In the study conducted by Sun ve Wang (2009), it is found that paternalistic leadership correlated with satisfaction from supervisor. Teachers need to be autonomous in educational matters. Research has shown that teachers’ have opportunities to be autonomous and to participate decisions that provide positive effect on their job satisfaction (Brunetti, 2001). Paternalist leader make decisions in the name of their employees (Çalışkan, 2010). Based on this theoretical explanation, it can be said that paternalistic leadership is negatively associated with teachers’ satisfaction from work. This study may contribute to the field by providing information about the relationship between paternalistic leadership and job satisfaction from work and supervisor. Therefore, this study examined relationship between paternalistic leadership and job satisfaction from work and supervisor. Method: The sample of this study included 309 classroom teachers from 19 elementary schools in the Bolu. Data in this study were collected by using paternalistic leadership scale developed by Pellegrini and Scandura (2006) and classroom teachers’ perceptions of satisfaction with work and supervisor were assessed with using satisfaction from work and supervisor subsclales of Job Satisfaction Survey (Spector, 1994). For the structure, validity of the two scales, principal axis factor analysis with varimax rotations was performed. Paternalistic leadership scale has 13 items with loading ranged from .414 to .906. Satisfaction with work survey has 4 items with loading ranged from .611 to .895. Satisfaction with supervisor survey has 4 items with loading ranged from .635 to .885. Internal consistency was measured by using Cronbach Alpha coefficient and alpha coefficient was .85 for paternalistic leadership, .79 for satisfaction from work, and .83 for satisfaction from supervisor. SPSS was used in the data analysis. Bivariate Pearson Correlation test was used to determine the relationship between paternalistic leadership and satisfaction from work and supervisor. To assess the effect of paternalistic leadership on satisfaction from work and supervisor, regression analyses were applied. Results: Findings indicated that school principals demonstrate level of paternalistic leadership behaviours as reported by classroom teachers was low in the midpoint. The level of classroom teachers’ satisfaction from work was higher than satisfaction from supervisor. The correlation analysis shows that paternalistic leadership has significantly positive correlation with satisfaction from supervisor, and work. The results of regression analysis indicated that paternalistic leadership had impact on satisfaction from work, supervisor. Paternalistic leadership was significantly predictor of satisfaction from supervisor and satisfaction from work. The results of this study indicated that classroom teachers who have paternalist leader have higher satisfaction from supervisor, and work. The results suggest that paternalist leadership behaviors may enhance the classroom teachers’ satisfaction form work, and supervisor. The results of this study revealed that there is a positive and significant relationship between paternalistic leadership behaviours of principals and teachers’satisfaction from supervisor, and satisfaction from work, and that paternalistic leadership behaviours of principals have significant effects on satisfaction from supervisor, and satisfaction from work. (Sun & Wang, 2009; Khoury, 2008). Based on these results, it can be said that one of the ways to improve teachers’ satisfaction from supervisor and work is that school principal should exhibit serving leadership behaviors such as develop high quality relationships with teachers, help and support their instructional activities.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu çalışmada paternalist liderlik ile sınıf öğretmenlerinin yöneticiden doyum ve işin doğasından doyumları arasındaki ilişki araştırılmıştır. Bu çalışmanın verileri 2010-2011 öğretim yılında Bolu ilindeki ilköğretim okullarında çalışan 309 sınıf öğretmeninden elde edilmiştir. Bu çalışmanın verileri Pellegrini ve Scandura (2006) tarafından geliştirilen paternalist liderlik ölçeği ve Spector (1994) tarafından geliştirilen ve Yelboğa (2009) tarafından Türkçe’ye uyarlanan iş doyum ölçeğinin yöneticiden doyun ve işin doğasından doyum boyutları kullanılarak elde edilmiştir. Verilerin analizinde ortalama, standart sapma, korelasyon ve regresyon analizi kullanılmıştır. Korelasyon analizi sonuçları paternalist liderlik ile yöneticiden doyum ve işin doğasından doyum arasında anlamlı ve olumlu ilişki olduğunu göstermiştir. Regresyon analizi ise paternalist liderliğin yöneticiden doyum ile işin doğasından doyumun önemli bir açıklayıcısı olduğunu ortaya çıkarmıştır.



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