
The effect of drama method on achievement level in English teaching: knowledge, comprehension and application levels

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The aim of this research was to determine the effect of drama as a teaching method on the achievement level of primary school fourth grade students in English lesson. Accordingly in this research, the determination of the effects of drama method on total achievement level, on the achievement level of knowledge, comprehension and application categories of cognitive domain and on the permanence of the subjects learned formed the problem of the research. As the method of the research, Pretest-Posttest experimental design with control group was used. The research was carried out with 50 students from two separate classes at the 4th class whose gender, socio-economical conditions and the previous year academic success resemble each other. Their being control group and experimental group was determined randomly. The data was collected via an achievement test that consisted of the questions concerning knowledge, comprehension and application levels including the subjects weather conditions, seasons, food and drinks that were developed by the researcher. Research findings: in the teaching of English lesson, the teaching method based on drama is more effective than the traditional teaching method at the 1- total achievement level, 2- achievement levels of cognitive domain knowledge, comprehension and application categories and 3- the permanence of the subjects learned.



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