
Partial Discharge Localization in Stator Winding of Generators using Multi-Conductor Transmission Line Model

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Partial discharges (PDs) are a major source of insulation failure in power generators. Techniques for locating a PD source are of major importance in both the maintenance and repair of a generator. In this paper a wide band MTL model of generator winding employed to best simulate propagation of partial discharge signals in generators and precisely locate the source of partial discharge in the winding. The MTL model is briefly reviewed and the related equations of the model are reformulated to easily simulate application of a PD signal at any location along the winding. Using Matlab software is developed to calculate the windings resonance frequencies and the magnitudes of over voltages occurring between different coils along the winding. Comparing these results with the experimental results, accuracy of this model and the related simulation is verified. Propagation of PD signal in a high voltage generator (6kv/250kw) is simulated using the Multi-Conductor transmission line (MTL) model with frequency dependent parameters.



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