
Elementary School Music Lesson Curriculum for the year 2006 Throughout the Period of Entry into the European Union

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Ataturk, who comprehended the “administration and music relationship” very well within the political period of community administrations in the history of the world in terms of politics, society and social psychology, knew the importance of that Turkish Republic was able to take place in the international area with respect to social, political, cultural, scientific and artistic points and that its relationship with modern basic music education required to be given to Turkish society. In addition, he started many studies related to basic music education with the establishment of the Republic. Today, the period related to the participation in the European Union continues currently. Many obstacles have being faced in terms of political, economical, legal, social and cultural aspects within the period of participation in the European Union. One of the most important elements for the cultural aspect is music. With respect to this subject, Turkish Republic has to determine governmental policies for the integration of Turkish music education, culture, art, and industry with modern world throughout the EU period. In order to perform the basic music education concerning the modernization of social music culture, it is required that basically certain factors coexist as they have modern characteristics. These can be classified as in the following: Music lessons in the curriculums of formal education institutions, Music Teachers, Music curriculums, Music education environment, Musical artists, Music education resources, Contributions of musical industry, and Effects and contributions of mass media. With this study to be made, elementary education music curriculum of the year 2006 which is the curriculum still being applied in general music education will be tried to be analyzed in terms of music curriculum development based on literature review and view through application within the framework of effects and contributions throughout the period of participation in EU.



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