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Abstract (2. Language): 
A few coal mines use coalbed methane recovered from coal seams. As well as being unable to use gas means waste of an economically valuable source, it contributes to global warming. Gases recovered from coal mines can be used for various applications as an alternative source to natural gas or such as generation of power related to methane concentration. In cases the sale and/or use of gas would not be profitable, the best way for decreasing gas emissions is to destroy methane via flaring. In this study, the utilization technologies of methane are defined in detail and the examples being in practice are given.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Komur i§letmelerinin gok azi komur damarlarindan elde ettikleri gazi kullanmaktadir. Gazin kullanilamamasi ekonomik yonden karli olabilecek bir kaynagin israf edilmesi anlamina gelmesinin yanisira, kuresel isinmaya da katkida bulunmaktadir. Komur damarlarindan elde edilen gazlar, metan konsantrasyonuna bagli olarak dogal gaza alternatif bir kaynak yada elektrik uretimi gibi ge§itli uygulamalarda kullanilabilmektedir. Gazin kullanilmasinin ve/veya sati§inin mumkun olmadigi durumlarda, gaz emisyonunun azaltilmasi igin en iyi yol, gazin yanma yoluyla bertaraf edilmesidir. Bu gali§mada, komur damarlarindan elde edilen metan gazinin kullanim teknolojileri detayli bir §ekilde ele alinmi§ ve uygulamalar hakkinda ornekler verilmi§tir.



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