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Abstract (2. Language): 
1-Title and Keywords This study is about the unknown poem of some important poets of the divan literature. Our aim is to show the poem we have identified and the name of this poem is to examine whether the last poet. Therefore we have identified the title of our article as “Unknown Gazels Of Certain Poets in The Tradition of Divan Literature: Discovery and Critique”. Although poetry collections are very important documents in terms of the points that we mentioned in the introduction, the issue should be approached cautiously and definitive judgments should be avoided in studies concerning poems not found in the poets’ divans but discovered in the poetry collections. The presence of the name of a poet in a collection is not sufficient proof by itself as regards the relation of that poem to the poet who is named. There may be problems stemming from the person who arranged the collection. Furthermore, the existence of poets by the same pseudonym should be considered. At this stage, I am of the opinion that healthier evaluations can be made with comparative stylistic examinations. Accordingly, the ghazals that were quoted above from the poetry collection will be compared to ghazals with similar radifs, found in the divans of the poets to whom it is thought the former belong to, in terms of aruz meter, radif, rhyme, number of couplets and the origins of the words used. 2-Introduction and The purpose of the study The poetry collections, in which poets of Turkish classical literature boasted for the inclusion of their poems and of which they had a high opinion, bear great importance for the researchers of Turkish classical literature too. As was expressed at the beginning of this study, collections may include poems that are not found in critical editions of divans. Moreover, information regarding poets who were not included in tezkires can be reached through the collections. It is observed that in the critical editions of divans in recent years, collections are also taken into account and that furthermore the divans of some poets are formed by means of the collections. Both this situation and the increase in the number of articles written about unknown poems such as this study itself consolidate the importance of collections in the publication of texts. But we must be careful when reviewing poetry. Because there may be multiple poet uses the same name. 3-Theoretical Framework For The Study Subjects Academic studies related to the unknown nature of poetry through poetry collections in Turkey. Through these studies many poems of famous poets such as Bâkî, Rızâyî, Nâilî, Eflâkî Dede, Ahmed Paşa, Hayâlî was found. These studies are of course important work. But There is something overlooked. Many poets in the divan literature can use the same name. So may be confused the poems of the poet uses the same name. İf we have found a poem that belongs to a famous poet in the poetry collections we should not claim to belong to the name of the poem we find that belonged to the poet. We found it to be compared unknown poems with of the alleged poetry of poets. And after this we can be made in a some of reviews according to stylistic analysis results. Unfortunately this stuation was ignored in same studies related to unknown poem. Researchers can view put forward without stylistic analysis. As a result efficient operation can not be done. We aim to complete this work by the lack of similar studies. Especially we want to show that how to reach definitive conclusions with stylistic analysis methods. We hope that to be pioneers for similar studies conducted on this topic. 4-Results and Evaluation Due to the results of the table so we can find the review. -These poems we found in the poetry collections which registered in the national library belong to the Nev’î, Hisâlî, Behiştî and Ziyâî. -Aruz meter, radif, rhyme, number of couplets and the origins of the words used are important comparison materials. -Some results are below expectation. Especially radif and rhyme results are very low. This stuation propelling us to commet guardedly. -Although poetry collections are very important documents in terms of the points that we mentioned in the introduction, the issue should be approached cautiously and definitive judgments should be avoided in studies concerning poems not found in the poets’ divans but discovered in the poetry collections. -Lately the promotional work carried out is increasing about unknown poems. The poetry collections is important material used in this studies. But It should be noted that the person who wrote the poetry collections may have made a mistake. -Stylistic analysis of titles can be increased. İn this case more accurate results can be obtained. -We think that more comprehensive examination of genre are the largest supporter of poetry. Thus which will be used in the study of the text accessible to the strong data.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Klasik Türk edebiyatı oluşmaya başladığı 13. yüzyıldan son ürünlerini verdiği 19. yüzyıla kadar köklü ve sistemli bir disiplin olarak varlığını sürdürmüştür. Kendisinden sonra oluşmaya başlayan modern edebiyatta da izlerini görebileceğimiz klasik Türk edebiyatında kullanılan en yaygın nazım şekli gazeldir. Şairlerin duygu ve düşüncelerini en rahat bir biçimde aktarabilmesine uygun yapısı ile gazeller, divan tertibinde haklı bir ayrıcalığa sahiptirler. Öyleki gazel kaleme almayan divan edebiyatına mensup şair yok gibidir. Şairlerin, divanlarını tertip ederken gözden kaçırdıkları veya divanlarına almak istemedikleri gazelleri olabilir. Ayrıca şairin divanını kopyalayanlar bazı şiirleri gözden kaçırabilir. Bu gazeller sonraları tertip edilen şiir mecmualarına alınabilir. Son yıllarda divanların tenkitli metin çalışmalarında, mecmualara da başvurulduğu görülmektedir. Hatta mecmualardan yola çıkılarak şairin divanının ya da divançesinin oluşturulduğu akademik çalışmalar yapılmıştır. Bu çalışma, Ankara Milli Kütüphane'de, A 6188 nolu kayıtta bulunan Dukâgin-zâde Taşlıcalı Yahyâ Bey Divânı ile aynı cilt içinde yer alan bir şiir mecmuasında rastladığım, ait olduğu şairlerin basılı divanlarında yer almayan bazı gazeller ile ilgili olacaktır. Mecmuada tespit ettiğim ve incelemede de yer alacak olan bu gazellerin, Nev‘î, Ziyâ‘î, Hisâlî ve Behiştî’ye ait olduğu gözükmektedir. Üç bölümden oluşan makalenin ilk bölümü mecmuanın tanıtımına, ikinci bölümü gazellerin transkripsiyon alfabesi ile aktarımına ve üçüncü bölümü gazeller ile şairlerin divanları arasında önceden belirlenen ölçütler ışığında yapılacak karşılaştırmaya ayrılmıştır.



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Divan Edebiyatına Mensup Bazı Şairlerin Bilinmeyen Gazelleri: Tespit ve Tenkit 587
Turkish Studies
International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic
Volume 10/4 Winter 2015
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