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Nursing Student Engagement: Student, Classroom, and Clinical Engagement

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A nursing student’s level of engagement is extremely important. Their engagement efforts impact their current and future learning, their clinical care interactions, and ultimately, ongoing retention within the nursing profession. The level of engagement with the nursing role and responsibilities will contribute toward the pa-tients’ quality of healing. Interventions toward wellness, provided with engagement, create nurturing and sup-portive caring. Student education must facilitate engagement by being relevant and evidence-based. The current concept of student engagement is outlined in the following sections: engagement definitions, nursing student engagement, classroom engagement, and clinical engagement. An up-to-date literature review of student nurses’ engagement in learning is presented; gaps in the lit-erature are identified. Engagement is not a new teaching strategy, however, it has recently become extremely popular and effective as traditional lectured education is becoming replaced by this more active and participatory teaching and learning methods.



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