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The name of Vertisol is derived from Latin "vertere" meaning to invert, thus limiting the development of classical soil horizons. These soils have the capacity to swell and shrink, inducing cracks in the upper parts of the soil and distinctive soil structure throughout the soil. The formation of these specific features are caused by a heavy texture, a dominance of swelling clay in the fine fraction and marked changes in moisture content. The swell-shrink behavior is attributed to the wetting and drying of the soil mass. In this study, morphology, physico-chemical characteristics and classification of two vertisols that were formed on alluvial delta plains, were investigated. The first one has been formed on the Bafra Plain found in the Kızılırmak Delta and located in the central Black Sea region of Turkey. The soil is very deep, color ranges from dark olive brown to very dark grayish brown (in dry and wet conditions) and clay content is between 53-63 % within the one meter. The second pedon has been formed on the Çarşamba Plain found in the Yeşilırmak Delta and located in the central Black Sea region of Turkey. This pedon has also more than one meter depth, clay content changes between 53¬56 %. However, this pedon has lighter color than other one. Slickensides, clay cutans and crack of 3-5 cm wide extends beyond one meter were observed in both pedons. According to Soil Taxonomy and FAO-Unesco Soil Map of the World Legend classification systems, the pedon formed on Bafra delta plain was classified as Chromic Endoaquert sub group and Chromic Vertisol soil unit while, the other pedon formed on Çarşmaba delta plain was classified as Typic Haplustert sub groups and as Eutric Vertisol soil unit, respectively



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